Thursday, January 13, 2011

Powerpoint Notes: Architecture & Urban Landscapes

  • Architectural photographs - indirect portraits - The materials, style, & scale provide clues about who the people were & what their lives were like.
  • Surroundings = Context
  • Charles Negre - The Vampire - 1853
  • Builings don't move & they will always include elements & principles (i.e. line, shape, form)
  • Frederick H. Evans - "Try for a record of emotion rather than a piece of photography."
    • worked primarily in platinum papers (silver-coated paper overlayed in platinum... exposure to light causes chemical reaction... more detailed) BUT WWI caused platinum prices to skyrocket (bombs) SO he gave up photography forever
  • Ezra Stoller (1915-2004) - architect to photographer, focused on light, shape & form
  • Thinking Artistically...
    • What are the emotions of the space?
    • What is the idea of the space as a whole?
  • Patterns - bricks, fabric, wallpaper, columns, etc.

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