Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Blog Notes: Ch. 9 Landscapes (p. 202-207)

  • focus on natural world without presence of humans
  • tends to be more formal than other genres (i.e. photojournalism)
  • Carleton E. Watkins - capture grandeur of American West, Yosemite Valley
  • Ansel Adams - Yosemite Valley, capture experience of being in wilderness
  • Timothy O'Sullivan - photographed Civil War, principle photographer for Gardner's book, Photographic Sketchbook of the War, lead photographer on first U.S. gov't photographic survery of lands west of Mississippi River, Grand Canyon & Colorado River, Canyon de Chelly, Death Valley
    • New Topographics - search for a new way to capture landscape in photographs, Robert Adams & Lewis Baltz
  • composition & viewpoint = muy importante!
    • pay attention to where to position camera
    • explore: go as high as you can & as low as you can, right & left, closer & farther back
    • goal = achieve balance between unity & variety
  • value = tres important in B&W landscape photography
    • wider range of tones = more dramatic
    • narrower range = quieter & more contemplative
  • balance - how those objects relate to each other in size, value, color, & location
    • symmetrical
    • asymmetrical
    • radial
    • Rule of Thirds - results in more interesting images

Ansel Adams, Mount Williamson, 1945
Proportion used to add emphasis to closer boulders - visual balance maintained between boulders & distant mountains

Timothy O'Sullivan, Canyon de Chelle, 1873
Direct sunlight on canyon walls & rock spires give off dramatic 3D effect

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