Monday, September 13, 2010

5 Photojournalism Pictures

The scene is of a bunch of people surrounding a pool for waste water in Japan. This pool of water waste is found at the Chisso Chemical Plant. This photo shines light onto the ecologically damaging fact that there's this pool that is filled with water pollution and chemical pollution. Eugene Smith took this picture. He framed it in a way that although the cracked ground takes up a majority of the photo, the numerous silhouettes of the people are still emphasized. The ground, dried up and starved of life, creates a mood of solemnity.

The scene of this picture is of two lucky bums relaxing on the beach. Although this doesn't seem to be an event of any special significance, one can assume that the events of summer or a Sunday afternoon are reason enough to just lounge on the beach. This photo was taken by Elliott Erwitt, who framed it so that the line of beach chairs, echoed by the line of the horizon, is perfectly centered. The expressions of the two guys and the black and white elements give off a calming mood. Life on those beach chairs is simple and relaxing.

The scene is of a curious young girl on the streets of Madrid. One can guess that she was tagging along with her parents as they loitered passed the vendors on the street when she came across this intriguing contraption. I find that this photo really displays what childhood is all about: Curiosity, and curiosity alone. I noticed that while this girl may have been interested by the warm air coming out of the ground, not once did she worry about her dress flying up and revealing her underwear. Cristina Garcia Rodero took this adorable photo. Framing this with regards to the rule of thirds, Rodero included the portraits in the background. The shape of the girl's dress is emphasized not only by its light value, but also by the similar shapes of the portraits in the background. The photo somewhat portrays a mood of wonderment.

The scene of this photo is of a woman clearly distraught. One can guess that she's hidden herself in a closet. The important thing is the question of "why?". Why is she hiding in a closet? From her body language and the fact that she has no clothes on, it's probably not because she's playing hide and go seek. This photo, taken by Werner Bischof, is framed in a way that keeps the woman's identity a mystery. The way the light hits the subject really emphasizes her body language. This photo creates a mood of anguish and despair.

This scene is of a young boy taking full advantage of one of Boston's water playgrounds. One can assume that this is no special event; It's just an image from the everyday life of a kid. That's what makes it significant. This photo really captures one of the many things that children cannot resist: playing with water. Taken by Christopher Anderson, this photo is framed so that the subject is at the center. The emphasis is clearly on the child freely drenching his face in the spewing water coming from the ground. The vibrant spray of the water portrays a mood of carefreeness.

All photos from

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